Playing the Guitar: One Month Recap (IV)

Part I

Q: OK. I'm sitting. Now what?
A: Now you tune the guitar.

Q: OK... How do I do that?
A: You use the electronic guitar tuner I told you about.

Q: OK... And?
A: You have to make the strings sound right. This is what each string should sound like.

The thickest string, the topmost one, is an E. Then follows an A, then D, G, B and E again.

Q: OK, but... What is an E? And D, G, B... what are those?
A: Those are musical notes.

Q: Really? I thought Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do where notes. Not E and B and stuff...
A: That's correct. The Latin system uses the Do, Re, Mi and so on, while the international system uses letters: A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

Q: I see. So... Do is A.
A: No. La is A. Si is B. Do is C. Re is D. Mi is E. Fa is F and Sol is G.

Q: Really? Why?
A: I have no idea.

Q: OK... If you say so... Now, how do I tune them again?
A: You strike each string with the guitar pick and then turn the corresponding knob until the electronic tuner says you got it. That's it! Strike and turn until your done. Or, if you have a piano handy, you can use that. What's a piano, you say? Never mind.

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